Suppose, in the middle of the summer, when you are suffering in the scorching heat outside, your air conditioner starts blowing warm air!

Obviously, you would rush to fix the problem so that your family won’t suffer much from the summer heat of Houston. But you are not sure what is wrong with the air conditioner.

In this scenario, you need to call professionals for AC Repair & Services Houston immediately. But before hiring one for repairing or even for Air Conditioning Servicing in Houston, you should have some ideas about the most common reasons why an AC would blow warm air.

Find out the possible reasons for blowing warm air from an AC –

· Refrigerant Leakage

The refrigerant leakage can build up ice on the outdoor and indoor AC systems. It may occur due to low refrigerant. Moreover, you may also discover a hissing or bubbling sound.

Detecting the leak and fixing it is often time-consuming and costly. However, if not fixed immediately, the leakage can spread to the compressor motor.

In such a situation, the quick solution is to change the refrigerant. If you opt for annual Air Conditioning Servicing in Houston, you will not likely face this issue with your cooling unit.

· Frozen Evaporator Coils

Air conditioning units are made of multiple coils that work like sponges by absorbing heat from the air. The evaporator coils can be icy due to improper airflow, which also causes ice formation. In this case, the machine will release warm or no air.

Frozen and dirty evaporator coils are the result of dirty AC filters. While the filters need to be replaced, you need professionals for Air Conditioning Repair in Houston to clean the coils efficiently.

· Dirty Air Filters

Air filters of each AC unit are designed to absorb all kinds of particles, dust and pathogens from the air. These filters often become saturated with time as they maintain indoor air quality. Once they are blocked with particles and dust, they minimize the airflow and cannot keep the air cool. Usually, these filters are cleaned or replaced during Air Conditioning Servicing in Houston by professionals.

It is highly recommended to change the air filters every three months. If you don’t know how to change the air filter, you can ask professionals at JD Cooling for AC Repair & Services in Houston to address the issue.


Whether you need to repair your AC or look for professional help for AC Installation & Replacement in Houston, don’t hesitate to contact the professional of JD Cooling right away.