Why Is My Air Conditioner Not Working? Should I Call Residential AC Repair In Houston?

Are you often facing issues with your air conditioner? Doesn’t it get warm enough or cool? Before calling experts for the residential AC repair in Houston, you can follow a bunch of easy things to check the machine yourself and get it working again.

Here are some simple troubleshooting tips discussed below. However, it is recommended not to try and fix each of these problems yourself. Sometimes, it is better to identify the problem and call a professional, but that is only possible when you know the common reasons behind the issues with your air conditioner.

1.   Issues with Indoor and outdoor disconnect switch

One of the common problems with air conditioners is their indoor and outdoor disconnect switches, which can be easily switched off. Whenever you face any issue with your air conditioner, check if its indoor and outdoor unit switches are on, as someone may accidentally bump it. If you cannot locate the outdoor switch next to the unit, then check the switchboard or fuse box.

2.   Tripped circuit breaker

Make sure the circuit breakers are all in the on position. Since the circuit breakers of an air conditioner are clearly labeled, you can easily identify them. Then, if you find it is tripped, you can turn it on to start the unit. If the circuit breakers are repeatedly tripped, there could be the possibility that the circuit is connected to other appliances and hence, overloaded. It could happen in both residential and commercial places. In such cases, you need to call a professional for residential or commercial AC repair in Houston, as the problem requires a licensed technician to make the correct assessment and possible repair.

3.   Dirty filters

Your air conditioner’s filters get clogged with dirt and dust over time. Sometimes, it happens pretty quickly. By going through the AC’s manual, you will get to know how frequently and how to clean the filters. But, if you clean them regularly, these filters last many years. Since they are delicate enough, it is recommended to be cautious while cleaning and washing them. Alternatively, you opt for an air conditioning maintenance service by cleaning these dirt filters to ensure the optimal performance of your heating and cooling machine.

4.   Thermostat batteries died

The solution to this problem is absolutely DIY, as this is probably the simplest thing to check. If you find the thermostat is not displaying anything, it indicates the batteries are dead and need replacement. It is recommended to change the batteries per year for the cost of two AAA batteries.

5.   The air conditioner fuse is blown

You are not recommended to fix the problem yourself unless you are a licensed electrician. Usually, old switchboards have fuses, whereas modern switchboards come with far safer circuit breakers. Hence, it is safe to call the experts to fix this issue.

6.   Damaged components

It is hard to diagnose which component of the air conditioner is damaged as there can be several reasons to cause damage, including severe weather conditions to kids smashing the unit. So, when the unit is damaged, it simply needs a repair. So, all you need to do is call a professional for commercial or residential AC repair in Houston to fix the issue.

Final Note

The best solution to avoid all these problems is to perform regular preventive maintenance and services of your air conditioner. SO, if the above troubleshooting tips fail to sort the problem out and you need any air conditioner maintenance or repair service in Houston, contact the expert technicians of JD Cooling, your local and reliable HVAC service provider.