Every year, air conditioner units consume approximately 20% of all electricity produced in the United States, costing homeowners about $29 billion. With the increasing cost of energy bills and higher production of carbon footprints, it is high time to make your air conditioner more efficient. By following some simple steps and scheduled AC Services in Houston, homeowners can decrease their household energy consumption.

Here are a few steps to follow –

1. Minimize your AC wattage

There are several ways to minimize the AC wattage to save energy and the chance of future Air Conditioner Repair in Houston, such as –

  • You can turn off the AC unit when no one is home, or the outside temperature is below normal.
  • Setting the thermostat of your AC cooler at night and warmer during the daytime can also save energy and reduce your electricity bills.
  • Cleaning your AC filters regularly ensures that the airflow is without any restriction. Regular cleaning also eliminates the chance of Air Conditioner Repair Houston, saving you money.
  • Check the setting of the AC unit and, if required, reset it by reducing the temperature, minimizing the humidity and turning off the AC’s fan altogether.
  • Use ‘sleep mode’ whenever possible, as it saves energy when not in use.

2. Increase the Number of Cooling Stages

Increasing the number of stages in your AC unit is another effective way to make your AC energy efficient. You can do it two ways –

  • While opting for AC Services in Houston, ask the professional to upgrade the compressor to a digital mode that consumes less energy.

It would be more effective if you could contact it to an alternative energy system like solar energy.

  • Alternatively, you can replace the older single-stage unit with a dual- or triple-stage one.

3. Replace Your AC Filters

Sometimes, cleaning the filters of your AC unit won’t be a practical step to reduce energy consumption. Ask your air conditioning contractor to replace the filter with a new filter. It helps to keep the indoor air fresh and eliminate health hazards in the family.

4. Schedule Annual Inspections

Contact a reputable licensed HVAC professional who not only inspects and cleans your AC unit once a year but also performs AC Services in Houston so that you don’t need to look for other options.

5. Choose Your Air Conditioning Contractor Wisely

Whether you need to schedule an annual maintenance program or Air Conditioner Repair in Houston, hiring the right professional is the final important step to make your AC more energy efficient.

Among several residential and Commercial Air Conditioning Contractors Houston, JD Cooling professionals have served in the area for more than 25 years. To get a free estimate, call 832-723-3518.